Do you know the high speed door(ประตูความเร็วสูง)? Have you ever heard or seen about it before? What is the high speed door(ประตูผ้าใบเปิดปิดอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง)? SIZE AND LOCATION COAD Thailand installs the high speed door( ประตูม่านพลาสติกความเร็วสูง) after measurement service. So, we do not have restriction of size and location. Professional experts visit the industry and measure the size of space. At this time, customers get the free quote about the rapid door( ประตูม้วนอัตโนมัติ) . This is free service for all. After this service, the experts produce and install the factory door( ประตูอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง) only for that space. Therefore, COAD Thailand could install the high speed door( ประตูอุตสาหกรรม) in narrow aisle or huge entrance. MODEL COAD develops the models of high speed door( ประตูความเร็วสูง) to install it any location. Customers just select the type of model to be fitted in their location . This indus...
Best customer service |100% use of raw materials in Korea | Made with Korean Technology | Quick service via local factory