Because it is not possible to predict when an accident will cause inconvenience to users, customer centers must be open 24 hours a day. We're always waiting for A/S contact, so no matter where, no matter what happens, we can provide you better services. Industrial automatic doors are connected and operated by electricity. So if you suddenly lose power, it's hard to open doors easily and it can be dangerous to walk under a stationary door. In all cases, call COAD THAILAND at 038 878 380 / 090 909 1171 to learn how to handle this. You can connect to the phone outside of working weekday hours, during holidays and through weekends. All consultants will provide regular training at the head office to guide you on how to handle the situation. The C-1 basic high-speed automatic door features a sheet and a sheet that is fastened by the Windbar. As a result, only contaminated or damaged parts can be replaced separately, which has greatly reduced the cost of maintenance of autom...
Best customer service |100% use of raw materials in Korea | Made with Korean Technology | Quick service via local factory