As you do not know what speed door is and what product is installed, I am going to explain speed door and fast automatic door easily. The speed door is a fast automatic door with a fast switching speed of 3m/Sec maximum switching speed. Due to the fast open and close speed, it is easier to maintain the optimum temperature of the room than when ordinary hanger or shutter are installed It also addresses pleasant working environment and various civil complaints by preventing inflow of fine dust and yellow dust from outside and preventing leakage of noise and dust from inside. Sometimes installed as an external door, but inside a site sensitive to hygiene or cleanliness. If High speed door linked to air curtain, the site can be completely cleaned and installed in order to achieve certification as well as HACCP and GMP certification. COAD is the world's largest product line at speed door and has a high-speed automatic door called COAD-5 for clean room, and a number of
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