What is the sensor to be operated
for high speed rapid door(ประตูอุตสาหกรรม)?
COAD Thailand has diverse sensors to install the high speed industrial door
(ประตูผ้าใบเปิดปิดอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง) in any company.
Remote control
This sensor could activate up to 6 high speed automatic door
(ประตูอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง) by using a remote control.
So, this is useful to install multiple high speed industrial door
(ประตูความเร็วสูง) in the company.
So, employees only get the one remote control
and then open the high speed rapid door(ประตูม้วนอัตโนมัต).
Also, only person who has remote control could open
the high speed factory door(ประตูม่านพลาสติกความเร็วสูง).
Therefore, this sensor is worth to improve the prevention of crime.
Pull switch
To open the high speed automatic door(ประตูม่านพลาสติกความเร็วสูง) on easy way,
COAD Thailand has pull switch.
As employees go near the door and pull down the rope.
Then, high speed industrial door(ประตูอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง) is opened.
Drivers of forklift and employees could open the high speed auto door
(ประตูม่านพลาสติกความเร็วสูง) in convenience.
Activate your high speed rapid door(ประตูม้วนอัตโนมัติ)
on your way not to stop driving or moving.
Loop sensor
As the industry requests the activation of high speed automatic door
(ประตูผ้าใบเปิดปิดอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง) by vehicle or forklift,
COAD Thailand installs loop sensor.
This sensor gets the appearance of vehicle or forklift
when it passes on the loop line under the field.
So, the loop sensor detects the metal objects of moving equipment.
This sensor is chosen in the company having lots of movement
for forklift and vehicle a lot.
Infrared sensor
This senor is suitable in any industry.
If customers want to open the high speed auto door
(ประตูความเร็วสูง) by person and vehicle,
COAD Thailand suggests this sensor.
Infrared sensor captures the motion of both
as they are near the range of sensor.
So, employees just go near the range for sensor
and open the high speed industrial door(ประตูอัตโนมัติความเร็วสูง).
Microwave motion sensor
Without touch the switch, choose this sensor.
Shake a hand near the sensor and this sensor realizes the motion of it
and open the high speed industrial door(ประตูอุตสาหกรรม) automatically.
This sensor is worth in the food or packaging industry.
Those factories need to improve the working condition being sanitary.
With COAD Thailand high speed rapid door(ประตูม่านพลาสติกความเร็วสูง),
get the HACCP certification in your location.
333/33 Moo 2, Tambon Mabyangporn, Ampur Pluankdaeng, Rayong 21140
038 878 380 / 090 909 1171
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