Do You Have a Plan to Replace or newly Install the Automatic Door? As customers choose the industrial door, they should consider some points. But, normally, they do not have enough information about the rapid door. Here are 4 points before you decide the brand of factory door. The Quality - Aluminum vs. Stainless Generally, competitors use stainless for speed door. This is because they reduce the cost of raw material. This is worth to improve their profit. However, the quality is too poor. COAD Thailand tested the durability of materials which are aluminum and stainless. As a result, stainless is corroded only 6 months later . That is why customers should check the material of frame. Stainless is looking like aluminum. Aluminum is strength from water, wind, light and collision. Therefore, customers check the specification of industrial door. The Safety - Double photo-beam sensor & Warning light and sound As people firstly see the operation...
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